Specs One
- The Emerald City
- escaFLOWne
- Vibing
- Full Pipe
- Treemix
- Magian
- One Wizard
- 72SEA Remix
- Come On
- Paper Cutz
All tracks produced by Specs One.
Recorded by Dume41. Mixed by Specs Wizard and Dume41.
Mastered by Dume41 at Seattle’s Hip Hop mastering studio The Legion of Dume
"Specs One has simply never tried to make any other kind of hiphop than that which he wants to make. In his entire oeuvre, you will not find an attempt to go pop or a single beat that is aimed at the market…
None of the tracks on gRAPhics are wack; everything is made with a love of hiphop that knows no beginning or end."
—Charles Mudede, The Stranger Magazine